The biased opinion of the police was brought to light while detective Gomez and detective Wilkes were interrogating Starr. In all scenes Khalil was displayed to be threatening, uncooperative and dangerous, Starr is the only person that would be able to clear his name since she was the sole witness.
The hate you give scenes tv#
It was shown while Khalil was being pulled over, during Starr’s interrogation and the TV interview of officer Cruise’s father. The racial injustice and biased beliefs of the police was seen multiple times in the novel. They would make the cop seem to be the victim when he was the killer. It’s about the fact that he lived.” (Thomas, 412), Starr stated this when she was protesting because the stories being told were twisted to make Khalil’s life seem invalid and unworthy solely on his appearance and where he was raised. Soon after the verdict she starts speaking out her truth and she doesn’t ask for justice she demands it. The act of her standing up on top of the cop car represents her stance against the judge’s verdict, she uses her voice to defend and spread Khalil because the true story hasn’t been spoken. The actions taken by Starr to bring Khalil justice after his death show the activism characteristics developed over time within her personality. Her story gave hope and confidence to kids that you can always work through a hard situation, because of her act of standing up to speak her voice it may influence others around the world to do this as well. She was able to relate to most kids, either because of her issues to fit in or her struggle to find her voice. Starr’s story of individual growth is inspirational to people all around the world because of her effort to raise awareness to the cultural issues that some are afraid to speak about. By putting the reader in the shoes of a suppressed minority who deals with racism on a daily basis it makes the concept more personal and transforms them into a different perspective. This brings attention to the problems happening of the injustice happening around the world. Along with Tupac’s music both inspire and tell the stories of people whose voices are stripped away from them without reasoning. T.H.U.G shows the reality and struggles people of color and people in minorities are forced to deal with. It stands for “The Hate U Give Little Infants F*cks Everyone” proposing that the negativity you feed to young kids sprouts hatred within them that later in life will backfire when they take there anger out on the world (Thomas, 17). It originates from a tattoo Tupac Shakur had saying Thug Life. The form of activism is everywhere in this book, the deeper meaning of the title The Hate U Give is incredible in its own. The development of Starr’s character and the confidence she gains to speak her truth throughout the novel displays her want to be an activist. With this tragedy the theme of activism is highlighted, Starr brings the controversial topics of racial injustice, police brutality and the protest of black lives matter. Which is a lower class black neighborhood where she was forced to witness the murder of her best friend. In the book The Hate U Give, the author Angie Thomas puts us in the view point of Starr, a teenage girl born and raised in Garden Heights.